Privacy Policy

This website is administered and maintained by SC SOFKO MEDSRL

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SC SOFKO MEDSRL is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of the sites reached through links from this site (commercial or advertising links). The responsibility for these sites lies entirely with their owners.

SC SOFKO MEDSRL does not assume responsibility and cannot be held responsible for damages caused by the use in any way of the products purchased through this site. The site and related materials are used "as is" and "as available" without warranties of any kind.

SC SOFKO MEDSRL makes no warranty, either express or implied, with respect to including but not limited to the operation of this site, the information, content, materials or products on the site, as well as their fitness for a particular purpose. SC SOFKO MEDSRL does not guarantee that this website, its servers or e-mails sent on behalf of are free of viruses or other harmful components.

SC SOFKO MEDSRL guarantees the user limited access, in personal interest, to this website and does not grant him the right to download or modify the website in whole or in part, reproduce the website in whole or in part, copy, sell/resell or exploit the site in any other way, for commercial purposes or contrary to the interests of the site, without the written consent of its owner.

The company SC SOFKO MEDSRL guarantees the user limited access, in personal interest, to this website and does not grant him the right to download or modify the website in whole or in part, to reproduce the website in whole or in part, to copy, to sell/resell or exploit the site in any other way, for commercial purposes or contrary to the interests of SC SOFKO MED SRL, without its written consent.

Those who access/visit the site may make comments and any other communications, may send e-cards, transmit suggestions, ideas, questions or other information, as long as their content is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, not does not in any way disturb the privacy of other people, does not infringe intellectual property rights, does not contain viruses, texts aimed at various promotional campaigns, chain letters, mass mails or any other form of spam. Persons who will use a false e-mail address or send electronic messages or any other communications on behalf of another natural or legal person or on behalf of any other entity will be penalized in accordance with applicable laws.

SC SOFKO MEDSRL has the right (but not the obligation) to delete any such contents identified on the site. SC SOFKO MEDSRL will not be held responsible nor will it be liable for any kind of compensation for any kind of damage caused by such communications.

In the case of sending or displaying materials/documents, it is considered that the user grants SC SOFKO MEDSRL and its affiliates/associates the non-exclusive, unlimited, free, irrevocable and retransmittable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create works derivatives, as well as the right to distribute, to present these contents anywhere in the world, by any means. You also grant SC SOFKO MEDSRL and its affiliates/associates or licensors the right to use the name you associate with such content. The user guarantees that he has all the rights to the content that he displays or transmits on the site, in any way, so that, by using this content, he does not cause harm to any person. SC SOFKO MEDSRL assumes no responsibility for the content of messages/communications displayed/transmitted by a user through the website.


This site uses security measures against the loss, alteration or misuse of information under our control. However, the SC SOFKO MEDSRL company does not assume responsibility for the loss of information caused by errors in the software with which the website is designed and hosted. We are also not responsible for errors in the security of the server that hosts the site.

SC SOFKO MEDSRL has re-seller contracts with important representatives of the products present in our pharmacies. About the quality of the products, about the authenticity of the brand and about any other doubts about a specific brand or a specific product, the customer can contact the representative of the respective brand or the importer in Romania.